Sending some Love to my Nephews & A Quick Note on Not Wanting to Have Children

Sending some Love to my Nephews & A Quick Note on Not Wanting to Have Children

(scroll down for the english version - vean al pie de página para la versión en español) Il y a 4 jours, Augustin fêtait ses 2 ans; dans 4 jours, Cézanne fête ses 6 mois.  Parce que mon cœur déborde d'amour pour eux malgré l'océan qui nous sépare physiquement et parce que je suis une [...]

Taking a Shot at Shooting Family Portraits

Taking a Shot at Shooting Family Portraits

(vean al pie de página para la versión en español - scroll down for the english version) L'été dernier, alors que je passais mon temps avec ma famille et mes amis dans le sud de la France, attendant impatiemment que ma belle-sœur accouche de mon deuxième neveu de son deuxième petit garçon, mon frère et [...]

Weekly Photo Challenge: Transcient

Family moments: when I see my brother and nephew again after 9 months away - In Giverny, France, 2 weeks ago. Inspired by the Dailypost page. Enjoy the little things! Other posts about being an aunty: My Nephew Just Turned 1 Photo Series of the Month: Meeting Our Nephew Nostalgia upon Becoming an Aunty

Weekly Photo Challenge: Friend

Self-explanatory.  On Holbox island, Mexico. Inspired by the Dailypost page. Enjoy the Day!

How I Became Bipolar in Cuba

(voyez plus bas pour la version française - vean al pie de página para la versión en español) There's something about Cuba that goes straight to your heart.  As soon as you set foot outside of the airport and catch your first glimpse of the famous old cars; as soon as you are hit by [...]